i3media (2007-2010). Technologies for the automated creation and management of intelligent audiovisual contents. [Spanish CENIT Program]

The main objective of i3media is to generate a framework for the representation and manipulation of intelligent digital contents and for the development of technologies which enable a higher automatization of the audio-visual production. In particular, the increase with respect to the state of the art will involve the automatic association of the intelligence and auto-adaptation functions with the content itself, independently of the underlying communication networks.


Jan 1, 2007 - Dec 31, 2010
MITyC, 2006 CENIT Program (PR.068-2007)
Total budget
35 M€ (2007-2010),
Participants LogosSocis-i3media

Mediapro, TID, Media Planning Group, CCRTV, Alcatel-Lucent España, STT Ingeniería y Sistemas, TVC, Infospeech, Brainstorm, Noufer, Raditech
Research Centers
Barcelona Media, UPC, UPV, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad de Murcia, Universidad de Las Palmas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Contact person
Dr. Jesus Alcober
Alberto Gonzalez
Andre Rios
Antoni Oller
Oriol Sole
Joan Gomez
123.876 €
As a subcontractor of Telefonica I+D, UPC-i2CAT  is in charge of developing task A8.T4 (content automated adaptation depending on use context (mean, spectator, ...)

 Further info