LINGUAMONS (2006-2008). Audiovisual platform for languages. [Catalan organization]

The Linguamon Audiovisual project puts togetherthe audiovisual services channel ofthe Casa de les Llengues (The Languages Home) and enables the sharing and management of audio-visual resources in different languages (advanced search, videoforums, chats...). It also has more services which enable live interaction of people located in any geographical spot (video conference). The highlights of the Linguamon portal are the to promote the preservation, use, recognition and learning of worldwide languages, to promote the respect towards the world language diversity, to contribute to the value of learning languages as a personal and collective development tool, to demonstrate the project success models internationally which facilitate the languages coexistence in the same territory or between a group of people, to enable the presence of the minority languages in Internet and promote the use and development oftechnological resources in orderto facilitate the multilingual communication, and to manage multilingual services.


October 1, 2006 - June 1, 2008


Casa de les Llengües


400 K€


i2CAT, Casa de les llengües, Cromosoma, Tantàgora, S.L., Fundació Impuls



Contact Person

Dr. Jesus Alcober


Zulema Lopez


4 K€