General information

The BAMPLA Research Group
The BAMPLA Research Group belongs to the Department of Telematics Engineering of the Technical University of Catalonia.
The research group is recognized as a consolidated research group by the Catalonian Government (2009 SGR 1475), and by the UPC itself. 

The research of this group is focused on the design and modelling of optimal resource management in networks and audiovisual services. The aim of BAMPLA is to provide dynamic mechanisms that optimally fit the user's requirements with the resources offered by both the Internet network and the content providers, minimizing at the same time the energy consumption.

These mechanisms are based on Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Information Centric Networks (ICN) as the basis of the evolution of the Internet architecture.

Those activities lead the group to participate in various national and European projects in the field of the federation and virtualization of networks and services, traffic monitoring of the European research network (Geant3), networks based on content distribution, and new proposals of Internet architectures.

The current main topics of interest for the BAMPLA group are the following ones:

  1. Proposal and modelling of new architectures for the Future Internet (Internet of Things, Internet of Services, Internet by and for people, and Internet of Contents).
  2. Design of new management and optimal resource allocation mechanisms for communications networks.
  3. Software Defined Networks (SDN).
  4. Virtualization of networks and services.
  5. Underwater Networks.
  6. Next-generation fixed access networks and hybrid fix-mobile architectures.
  7. Access and transport protocols for high-speed optical networks.
  8. Design of energy efficient networks.
  9. Traffic Monitoring.
  10. Scalable traffic measurements, algorithms, sampling, estimation and prediction of IP traffic.
  11. Network Coding.
  12. Advanced audiovisual services over IP networks.

banner_i2cat.jpeg The BAMPLA research group is supporting the media facilities of i2CAT Foundation, through the Mediacat platform, and supports its research and innovation activities.