Student Collaborative Scholarships Opportunities at i2CAT

Mar 09, 2011

i2CAT offers collaborative scholarships to enhance and complement the 

academic training in  Telecommunications Engineering through participation in 

research and innovation projects at both national and international field.

Active projects:
- Distribution of media in Peer-to-Peer networks (current priority)

- Personalized content adaptation 

- User’s environment detection 

- QoS Monitoring over IP Networks 

- Media Transcoding 

- Advanced Video Coding Techniques for media distribution

Scholarship schedule: 20 hr/week

Location: MediaCat Lab,

Planta  -1, edifici C4, Escola Politècnica Superior de Castelldefels.
Campus del Baix Llobregat. Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia.
C Esteve Terradas 7 ,
08860 Castelldefels

Selection criteria for applicants
Applications for collaborative scholarships are ranked by a selection committee under three assessment criteria: academic merit (such as performance in completed studies), research potential (such as contributions achieved under supervision) and alignment (such as relevance to research themes, business areas and projects).

Required Skills and Experience (not mandatory)

- Aptitudes in programming languages 

- Object Oriented programming skills (C++ will be an advantage)

- Good experience with Windows and Linux operating systems

- Telematics Engineering background

- Graduated, bachelor or ready to work on master thesis or to be graduated

- Analytical capability (mandatory)

- Teamwork capability (mandatory)

- Proactive behavior (mandatory)


Alberto J. González (

Daniel Rodríguez (